Monday, February 23, 2015

Briana Veliz
AP English
January 19,2014

                                       Civil Disobedience
     Civil disobedience is the active, public, contentious breach of the law to bring a change in law or public policy. Martin Luther king shows civil disobedience in his letter from Birmingham jail highlighting racial injustice and explaining moral arguments distinguishing between just and unjust laws. Nonviolence and civil disobedience as opposed to violence and conflict can still be a viable path toward gaining political and civil rights worldwide. There were many accounts that led to martins march towards city hall one being segregation at lunch counters and discrimination in hiring.

     Martin Luther king as a brilliant and eloquent leader took matters into his hands when racial segregation in public schools, police brutality, separation of public restrooms or restaurants reached an ultimate high of inequality, and decided to form a peaceful march to city hall were attack dogs and fire hoses were turned against the protestors many who were in their early teens or younger and were martin Luther king was arrested and jailed for leading these protests.  “ just as Socrates felt that it was necessary to create tension In the mind , so must we see the need for nonviolent gadflies to create the kind of tension to society that will help men rise from the dark depths of prejudice and racism to the majestic heights of understanding brotherhood” throughout his letter to Birmingham he embraces and justifies the importance of tension, he is also careful to not stress that the tension he supports is “nonviolent” he also states Socrates as a archetype of wisdom. He tries to imply that since Socrates was right to create tension so that the mind could grow and tension is good for inspiring mankind to grow. All the actions martin Luther king took to get his message across about the inequality in races were considered civil disobedience because he was breaking unjust laws and was willing to accept the penalty.

    Such an act of disobedience such a martin Luther king took would be very similar in our world today in many aspects. There’s has been many peaceful protests recently were the protestors are asking for a higher pay in wage or the equal rights of marriage, or the stop of police brutality. These are all examples of peaceful marches were in a professed way many are refusing to obey certain laws, demands, or commands of the government. Many acts of civil disobedience are also similar in the way that even through peaceful protests police brutality is still a major component of people going against unjust laws and forming petitions. To form such a protest or march would be effective today because we have the right to assemble and right to freedom of speech which our government takes into consideration. We also have broadcast networks which gives the audience an outlook on what should be changed. Although many will say that civil disobedience doesn’t help earn anything if you want something changed you have to have power or have some say in the creating of laws or decisions made in office or you will just be shot down and killed. The strategy of civil disobedience such as martin Luther king advised his protestors would make offenders such as police look more brutal and downgrading unlike the protestors who are peacefully asking for their rights and respect.                               

       The act of civil disobedience also helps bring attention and moral concept that there are times when law and justice do not coincide. In many circumstances the relatively weak must find tactics of confrontation that avoid the opponents strengths, and take advantage of peoples limited strengths and which help illuminate the issue. The vital act of civil disobedience has the ability to function through a multitude of perspectives an unsatisfied can undertake a process of civil disobedience in their individualized fashion. But nether less the result of any act of disobedience is not meant to benefit the individual but the community at large or even the whole country. The ends of such an act should not be a private gain but a public gain.  

    Martin Luther king consciously offered a middle way that addresses the great inequalities of segregation in his letter to Birmingham and stops short of calling for a violent confrontation with the government, although in his letter he is not suggesting that he act of nonviolent civil disobedience is a tactic plays in the rule of law but is something that acts outside the law and what people usually don’t use as a strategy for confrontation. In his letter he clearly states that his strategy is to purposely break laws that are unjust and unfair to certain people. And the important point here is that kings movement for civil rights was successful, in the long term because they eventually resolved a huge situation that wasn’t going away. Marin Luther offered a simple choice “ witness your country ripped in half and descend into chaos, or follow his middle path or reform and civil rights”.

  It is not to say that nonviolence is a tactic best employed for protest or resistance movements. Kings civil rights movement similarly to ghandis independence movement found itself a position of strength and drew strength from more militant black nationalists. While using the notion of nonviolence he had six key principles. One was to rest evil without restoring violence. Second is to win the friendship and understanding of your opponent not to humiliate him. Third the evil not the people itself should be opposed. Fourth those committed to nonviolence must be willing toi suffer without retaliation. Fifth the nonviolent resister not only refuses to shoot his opponent but he also refuses t hate him. sixth is that the nonviolent resister must have a deep faith in the future, these six principles gives logic and motivation that helps the resister to not give up hope in their cry and protest for equal rights and justice. These principles also help nonviolence become a way of life applicable o all situations which can be called “a guiding light of our movement”  

Briana Veliz
AP English
September 8, 2014

    Ever since I was a child I was always so impertinent and autonomous. I constantly strived for a perfect GPA or high grade mark on any test or subject. My most enlightening or favorite subject is English and science or the ones that I believed made the most impact on me and helped me succeed in my education in numerous ways. The will and dedication I have towards my studies inspires me to persevere in becoming someone successful.

      I have to prefer science over English at times, it is daunting but exciting also frustrating and overwhelming, but as I ploughed and stumbled my way through I realized I liked science because it challenges ideas that are thought “right”! it makes me push my understandings and want to know more about everything! Also, science is international and allows us to cross cultural and religious boundaries. I’m naturally curious about the natural world and science is the way to find out more about it. I was always so interested in the human body and what really occurs inside us it gives me joy to learn so many things other people have worked their whole life to study or prove.

               I also enjoy English and it views, ideas, and beliefs of the human population. English is the basis of our ability to communicate with one another; English has taught me numerous skills and has helped me to become an analytically minded individual, changing my perspective on many issues. It has contributed to my overall growth as a young person. I admire the writing skills journalists have, as well as the ability to view world issues and report them, something that I feel I have the ability to do.  I have a love for writing and grammar, two valuable skills everyday journalist needs to posses. I also have a deep enjoyment for current world events, on a local and global scale. One of the many inspirational writers that motivated me to want to become a journalist was john Kerouac. He covers topics such as promiscuity, drugs, poverty, and travel, one book that really inspired me was on the road, he uses spontaneous prose because he writes continuously without edits and uses a stream of consciousness to write his novels which is a skill I want to acquire.

briana veliz
AP English
November 20, 2014


   With our recession emerging steel companies raised prices 3.5 percent. In order to state his opinion regarding this crisis John Kennedy used many rhetorical strategies like pathos , logos, and ethos to give clear and reasonable proofs to why the nation’s largest steel company should not raise the prices. The steel company should remain stable and not be raised in our nations time of need for this results in less money and national security.

     In this excerpt there are many clear and reasonable examples are given to show johns defiance and aggravation towards the issue. John gives good, estimated and logical examples to support his argument and to why his opinion should be heard and instituted. “an estimated one billion dollars to the cost of our defenses, at a time when every dollar is needed for national security and other purposes.” This shows a reasonable premise to why the steel prices should remain stable and not raise especially in our nations time of need for money and national security. He informs the readers on the issue and progression of ideas using logos he provides support to his argument by giving examples of the decrease of money in our nations struggle to sustain our national security. John uses inductive logic throughout his speech by giving readers a bunch of similar examples and then giving a general proposition.

    Not only does john give great logical examples in his speech but he demonstrates that his opinion is credible, good willed, and knowledge towards the subject.” The recent settlement between  the industry and the union was widely acknowledged to be non inflationary, the purpose was to achieve an agreement which would make unnecessary any increase in prices.” John connects his arguments to his readers own ethical thinking and moral beliefs. When john uses “there is no justification for an increase in the steel prices” he emphasis on justification meant that the audiences and he author could assume he same ideas and truths about the issue. John chooses language that is appropriate for the audience and topic making himself sound fair and unbiased. He introduces his expertise by using correct grammar and syntax throughout his speech.

    In  this excerpt you can analyze johns emotional and intentions being used throughout his speech. “ when we are asking reservist to leave their homes and families for months on end, and servicemen to risk their lives, American people will find it hard, as I do, to accept a situation in which a tiny handful of steel executives whose pursuit of private power exceeds their sense of public responsibility. “John gives his personal and powerful observation to show his opinion and heighten the emotional connections readers can make towards the subject. He attempts to fill the readers with pit for the servicemen of our country and contempt for something wrong. He uses this persuasive appeal of pathos to audiences sense of identity, self interest and emotions.. like when he said “ when we ask reservists to leave their homes and families for months on end “ that shows how he feels pity and compassion for our serviceman who risk their lives and opportunity to see their families for the last time just to serve their country.

Braina Veliz
Per  4
AP English

                                           Question 1

    Green living is a great way promoting conservation and a wise use of natural resources. Going green is a utopian ideal to which we must aspire if we want life to continue on this planet. It is important for our society and government to train itself to use natural resources being provided to us than to pollute our planet even more with huge factories and companies producing smog and chemicals and releasing it into the air in which we breathe. Diseases such as cancer and birth deformities are on the increase and have been attributed to pollutant exposures. Pollution requires more effort by governments, the international community and independent bodies involved in fighting it. It is not enough to have these rules but their enforcement is equally important.

   Not only will learning to use our natural resources with respect to how finite they will serve future generations but will help prolong the amount of time that the earth will continue to sustain life. it will also open up new jobs in technology where sectors have traditionally been high paying and therefore is good for our economy. Also people have not noticed Americas problem of bad habits and how it has build up in the last three decades.” Our planet is getting hot, flat, and crowded which is an issue on the fact that it is tightening energy supplies and extinction of planets and animals, deepening energy, poverty, and accelerating climate change (source C)”. in order  for America to take lead in solving he worlds big problem to create new tools, energy sources and ethics which will help our planet to grow in a cleaner, more sustainable way.

  To live a green life will also be accommodating to those stressing over the high utility bill. “Electricity generated by fossil fuels for a single home puts more carbon dioxide into the air than two average cars.-(source F)”. Although this is true there is a lot of ways you can do to save energy and money at  home and in transportations vehicles. One being to conserve water and electricity in your home and driving sensibly without wasting as much gasoline the government should foster green practices to give people an extent to how much electricity and water should be used at home this will help our planet in a great way and also with droughts and other natural disasters.

  Many say that going green will cause an avalanche of job loss, financial hardship and in some cases catastrophic poverty. And also going green eats of productivity accepting the gross national product.” While its arguably good for the environment the fact that 3 minutes per week over 300 million citizens take up 7,800,000,000 man hours of time per year (source A)”. even if this is true our government should not be focused on man hours being lost but in the need for change in our environment and society which will be beneficial in our planets future.

Briana Veliz
AP English
September 9, 2014


      Students need to understand that there is usually multiple paths that lead to understanding. They should be encouraged to seek out and experiment with new things or ideas. Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others or entertaining ourselves and others. These qualities are fundamental in the mind of children and should be considered more in student’s education. It is a necessity of human ingenuity and uniqueness that help individuals change our culture and perspectives in some important way.

     Without creative thinkers such as Benjamin franklin, Galileo, and newton we would not progress or strive for greatness in our world. The creativity in a person evaluates their personality and uniqueness. We live in a world that is changing faster than ever before and facing challenges that are unprecedented, these challenges require innovative ideas and approaches. Divergent thinking is an essential part of everyday life. This unique ability is one that will be crucial to the workforce of the future.
    There are many ways to solve the problem concerning the decrease of creativity in our students education. First, limit screen time to one to two hours a day, or install youth development programs or team sports. Not only does creative thinking evaluate a person’s personality but it also contributes to original ideas of others. For example like saving the gulf of Mexico or bringing peace to Afghanistan to delivering healthcare is a great way to show how creative thinking can contribute to our society and help better the world, That’s why it should be sustained and reached to the minds of children at the peak of their childhood. If the creativity of young children who are our future do not approach their creativeness there is no telling what our future will be and how new ideas will contribute to our society. The mechanism to invent, draw, paint and all these exciting innovations come from the minds of inventiveness thinkers. Picasso would not have been so popular if it wasn’t for his creative paintings and we would not be so technologically progressed without the creative thinking of Steve Jobs.

       Many will argue that people are born with creativity or should not be educated in school as it would be a waste of time. But many students will want to pursue a career where it is necessary to have creativity. Many students don’t want to become doctors or lawyers ,that is actually proven the careers least successfully accomplished by graduates, but instead many will want to become painters, teachers, architects, or maybe the next president. All these careers need and should have creative thinkers in order to achieve greatness. What would an artist be if they couldn’t use their imagination to draw a rainforest or an unseen paradise as an assignment? Art would have no value and our world would slowly decrease with no potential or ideas that are a necessity in our world and future.

Briana Veliz
AP English
January 19,2014

                                       Civil Disobedience
     Civil disobedience is the active, public, contentious breach of the law to bring a change in law or public policy. Martin Luther king shows civil disobedience in his letter from Birmingham jail highlighting racial injustice and explaining moral arguments distinguishing between just and unjust laws. Nonviolence and civil disobedience as opposed to violence and conflict can still be a viable path toward gaining political and civil rights worldwide. There were many accounts that led to martins march towards city hall one being segregation at lunch counters and discrimination in hiring.

     Martin Luther king as a brilliant and eloquent leader took matters into his hands when racial segregation in public schools, police brutality, separation of public restrooms or restaurants reached an ultimate high of inequality, and decided to form a peaceful march to city hall were attack dogs and fire hoses were turned against the protestors many who were in their early teens or younger and were martin Luther king was arrested and jailed for leading these protests.  “ just as Socrates felt that it was necessary to create tension In the mind , so must we see the need for nonviolent gadflies to create the kind of tension to society that will help men rise from the dark depths of prejudice and racism to the majestic heights of understanding brotherhood” throughout his letter to Birmingham he embraces and justifies the importance of tension, he is also careful to not stress that the tension he supports is “nonviolent” he also states Socrates as a archetype of wisdom. He tries to imply that since Socrates was right to create tension so that the mind could grow and tension is good for inspiring mankind to grow. All the actions martin Luther king took to get his message across about the inequality in races were considered civil disobedience because he was breaking unjust laws and was willing to accept the penalty.

    Such an act of disobedience such a martin Luther king took would be very similar in our world today in many aspects. There’s has been many peaceful protests recently were the protestors are asking for a higher pay in wage or the equal rights of marriage, or the stop of police brutality. These are all examples of peaceful marches were in a professed way many are refusing to obey certain laws, demands, or commands of the government. Many acts of civil disobedience are also similar in the way that even through peaceful protests police brutality is still a major component of people going against unjust laws and forming petitions. To form such a protest or march would be effective today because we have the right to assemble and right to freedom of speech which our government takes into consideration. We also have broadcast networks which gives the audience an outlook on what should be changed. Although many will say that civil disobedience doesn’t help earn anything if you want something changed you have to have power or have some say in the creating of laws or decisions made in office or you will just be shot down and killed. The strategy of civil disobedience such as martin Luther king advised his protestors would make offenders such as police look more brutal and downgrading unlike the protestors who are peacefully asking for their rights and respect.                               

       The act of civil disobedience also helps bring attention and moral concept that there are times when law and justice do not coincide. In many circumstances the relatively weak must find tactics of confrontation that avoid the opponents strengths, and take advantage of peoples limited strengths and which help illuminate the issue. The vital act of civil disobedience has the ability to function through a multitude of perspectives an unsatisfied can undertake a process of civil disobedience in their individualized fashion. But nether less the result of any act of disobedience is not meant to benefit the individual but the community at large or even the whole country. The ends of such an act should not be a private gain but a public gain.  

    Martin Luther king consciously offered a middle way that addresses the great inequalities of segregation in his letter to Birmingham and stops short of calling for a violent confrontation with the government, although in his letter he is not suggesting that he act of nonviolent civil disobedience is a tactic plays in the rule of law but is something that acts outside the law and what people usually don’t use as a strategy for confrontation. In his letter he clearly states that his strategy is to purposely break laws that are unjust and unfair to certain people. And the important point here is that kings movement for civil rights was successful, in the long term because they eventually resolved a huge situation that wasn’t going away. Marin Luther offered a simple choice “ witness your country ripped in half and descend into chaos, or follow his middle path or reform and civil rights”.

  It is not to say that nonviolence is a tactic best employed for protest or resistance movements. Kings civil rights movement similarly to ghandis independence movement found itself a position of strength and drew strength from more militant black nationalists. While using the notion of nonviolence he had six key principles. One was to rest evil without restoring violence. Second is to win the friendship and understanding of your opponent not to humiliate him. Third the evil not the people itself should be opposed. Fourth those committed to nonviolence must be willing toi suffer without retaliation. Fifth the nonviolent resister not only refuses to shoot his opponent but he also refuses t hate him. sixth is that the nonviolent resister must have a deep faith in the future, these six principles gives logic and motivation that helps the resister to not give up hope in their cry and protest for equal rights and justice. These principles also help nonviolence become a way of life applicable o all situations which can be called “a guiding light of our movement”