Monday, February 23, 2015

Briana Veliz
AP English
September 9, 2014


      Students need to understand that there is usually multiple paths that lead to understanding. They should be encouraged to seek out and experiment with new things or ideas. Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others or entertaining ourselves and others. These qualities are fundamental in the mind of children and should be considered more in student’s education. It is a necessity of human ingenuity and uniqueness that help individuals change our culture and perspectives in some important way.

     Without creative thinkers such as Benjamin franklin, Galileo, and newton we would not progress or strive for greatness in our world. The creativity in a person evaluates their personality and uniqueness. We live in a world that is changing faster than ever before and facing challenges that are unprecedented, these challenges require innovative ideas and approaches. Divergent thinking is an essential part of everyday life. This unique ability is one that will be crucial to the workforce of the future.
    There are many ways to solve the problem concerning the decrease of creativity in our students education. First, limit screen time to one to two hours a day, or install youth development programs or team sports. Not only does creative thinking evaluate a person’s personality but it also contributes to original ideas of others. For example like saving the gulf of Mexico or bringing peace to Afghanistan to delivering healthcare is a great way to show how creative thinking can contribute to our society and help better the world, That’s why it should be sustained and reached to the minds of children at the peak of their childhood. If the creativity of young children who are our future do not approach their creativeness there is no telling what our future will be and how new ideas will contribute to our society. The mechanism to invent, draw, paint and all these exciting innovations come from the minds of inventiveness thinkers. Picasso would not have been so popular if it wasn’t for his creative paintings and we would not be so technologically progressed without the creative thinking of Steve Jobs.

       Many will argue that people are born with creativity or should not be educated in school as it would be a waste of time. But many students will want to pursue a career where it is necessary to have creativity. Many students don’t want to become doctors or lawyers ,that is actually proven the careers least successfully accomplished by graduates, but instead many will want to become painters, teachers, architects, or maybe the next president. All these careers need and should have creative thinkers in order to achieve greatness. What would an artist be if they couldn’t use their imagination to draw a rainforest or an unseen paradise as an assignment? Art would have no value and our world would slowly decrease with no potential or ideas that are a necessity in our world and future.

1 comment:

  1. Your essay needs more work into it. It needs more depth and it needs more evidence to support your thesis. The Introductory paragraph is also to short which. Your conclusion summarizes the topic of your essay. The body paragraphs are very little explained and needs more in them for the readers to know what you are talking about because they are lost.
