Monday, February 23, 2015

Briana Veliz
AP English
September 8, 2014

    Ever since I was a child I was always so impertinent and autonomous. I constantly strived for a perfect GPA or high grade mark on any test or subject. My most enlightening or favorite subject is English and science or the ones that I believed made the most impact on me and helped me succeed in my education in numerous ways. The will and dedication I have towards my studies inspires me to persevere in becoming someone successful.

      I have to prefer science over English at times, it is daunting but exciting also frustrating and overwhelming, but as I ploughed and stumbled my way through I realized I liked science because it challenges ideas that are thought “right”! it makes me push my understandings and want to know more about everything! Also, science is international and allows us to cross cultural and religious boundaries. I’m naturally curious about the natural world and science is the way to find out more about it. I was always so interested in the human body and what really occurs inside us it gives me joy to learn so many things other people have worked their whole life to study or prove.

               I also enjoy English and it views, ideas, and beliefs of the human population. English is the basis of our ability to communicate with one another; English has taught me numerous skills and has helped me to become an analytically minded individual, changing my perspective on many issues. It has contributed to my overall growth as a young person. I admire the writing skills journalists have, as well as the ability to view world issues and report them, something that I feel I have the ability to do.  I have a love for writing and grammar, two valuable skills everyday journalist needs to posses. I also have a deep enjoyment for current world events, on a local and global scale. One of the many inspirational writers that motivated me to want to become a journalist was john Kerouac. He covers topics such as promiscuity, drugs, poverty, and travel, one book that really inspired me was on the road, he uses spontaneous prose because he writes continuously without edits and uses a stream of consciousness to write his novels which is a skill I want to acquire.

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