Monday, February 23, 2015

briana veliz
AP English
November 20, 2014


   With our recession emerging steel companies raised prices 3.5 percent. In order to state his opinion regarding this crisis John Kennedy used many rhetorical strategies like pathos , logos, and ethos to give clear and reasonable proofs to why the nation’s largest steel company should not raise the prices. The steel company should remain stable and not be raised in our nations time of need for this results in less money and national security.

     In this excerpt there are many clear and reasonable examples are given to show johns defiance and aggravation towards the issue. John gives good, estimated and logical examples to support his argument and to why his opinion should be heard and instituted. “an estimated one billion dollars to the cost of our defenses, at a time when every dollar is needed for national security and other purposes.” This shows a reasonable premise to why the steel prices should remain stable and not raise especially in our nations time of need for money and national security. He informs the readers on the issue and progression of ideas using logos he provides support to his argument by giving examples of the decrease of money in our nations struggle to sustain our national security. John uses inductive logic throughout his speech by giving readers a bunch of similar examples and then giving a general proposition.

    Not only does john give great logical examples in his speech but he demonstrates that his opinion is credible, good willed, and knowledge towards the subject.” The recent settlement between  the industry and the union was widely acknowledged to be non inflationary, the purpose was to achieve an agreement which would make unnecessary any increase in prices.” John connects his arguments to his readers own ethical thinking and moral beliefs. When john uses “there is no justification for an increase in the steel prices” he emphasis on justification meant that the audiences and he author could assume he same ideas and truths about the issue. John chooses language that is appropriate for the audience and topic making himself sound fair and unbiased. He introduces his expertise by using correct grammar and syntax throughout his speech.

    In  this excerpt you can analyze johns emotional and intentions being used throughout his speech. “ when we are asking reservist to leave their homes and families for months on end, and servicemen to risk their lives, American people will find it hard, as I do, to accept a situation in which a tiny handful of steel executives whose pursuit of private power exceeds their sense of public responsibility. “John gives his personal and powerful observation to show his opinion and heighten the emotional connections readers can make towards the subject. He attempts to fill the readers with pit for the servicemen of our country and contempt for something wrong. He uses this persuasive appeal of pathos to audiences sense of identity, self interest and emotions.. like when he said “ when we ask reservists to leave their homes and families for months on end “ that shows how he feels pity and compassion for our serviceman who risk their lives and opportunity to see their families for the last time just to serve their country.

1 comment:

  1. This is essay is a great essay in analyzing the many rhetorical strategies of JFK. It's structured nicely and it doesn't go off topic. It could be a little more in depth but that would only be in some parts other than that its a good essay.
